BTS : War of Hormone MV

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Our Bangtan Boys released another MV 2 days ago entitled Hormone War. Unlike the previous Danger MV which was dark, sexy and serious, this one's more on the fun side but still with a dark concept.

Is it me or Bangtan never fails to make their dance moves look easy when we all know it's difficult as hell and they are always sync. It's one of the reasons why I love Bangtan.

The MV can really make you smile since they have cute dance moves *butt swings* and V's smile is like a Cheshire Cat. It's creepingly cute.

I find the dance comical yet it still has their own flavor. At first you'll find the video not so bangtan ish because it's not hardcore dance unlike their previous MVs it's more of acting but raping the replay button will let you realize their cute side.

Jungkook my 1st bias, looks so cute with his outfit to the extent I want to purchase a similar one.  He also smiles a lot in this MV. Smirks, smiles and comical facial expressions can be found throughout the MV so be warned my co Army.

The song is still a part of their recent album Dark & Wild so if you have not downloaded their album, you can download it here.

I'll stop right here and let you guys enjoy the MV in 720P in mp4 format

Comments, requests, spazzzing and reactions are welcomed. Ja ne~ 

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