Play for Life: How This Game Can Help You Plan Your Future

Life is just like a game, 

First you have to learn rules of the game,

And then play it better then any one else.

- Albert Einstein

Last Saturday, I was invited by Sun Life Philippines to their event Coffee and Play, wherein people get to play their customized board game titled Play for Life : A Game of Choices. 

This game offers Filipinos the opportunity to immerse themselves in realistic financial scenarios through interactive and engaging gameplay. By making important financial decisions to reach their selected life goals, players not only enjoy the experience but also gain practical knowledge and valuable lessons along the way.

The game was launched last year on July 6, 2024. It’s like Monopoly, but the one we specifically played was customized for Filipino employees.  Sun Life also made customized board games for OFWs and businessmen depending on their clientele.

Gensan and Davao were their 1st and 2nd stops consecutively, then Tagum will be their 3rd stop. After touring around Mindanao, Visayas will be next, and lastly, Luzon. 

If you missed the chance to attend their event, don’t worry because the game is also available online, but as of the moment, it’s available for single players only. Even though the game is available online, I think it’s more fun to play it in person, and what makes it more fun is to play it with people around you also get free advice from Sun Life advisers along the way.

Here are some of the terms you need to remember when playing the game.

Life lines - Savings and Turns

Savings - When 0, you will become bankrupt so game over

Turns - when goals are not accomplished within the turns indicated, game over.

Emergency Token - Protects you from unforseen and unfortunate events like getting sick or being in an accident

Life Goal Token - Token that you can cashout anytime after 1 turn. 1 Life Goal is worth P50,000.

Stars - Mental Wellness ( Start of the game you have 5 stars) 

Random Cards

Utilities - pay additional expenses and lose mental wellness stars.

Eating Out - spend on dining out but earn mental wellness stars

Shopping - spend on shopping but earn mental wellness stars

Small Wins - earn additional income

Emergency - pay big amounts or use emergency tokens. lose mental wellness stars when you pay for emergencies.

Life Happens - unfavorable situations that will make you lose money

Life Wins - favorable situations 

Life Choice - choosing options that will come with monetary cost but will have advantages within the game.

My character for the game was a Teacher/ Professor with Salary of P60,000 and Expenses of P20,000. It may make you think I was close in winning the game but sadly I didn't because I had encountered a lot of unforeseen circumstances consecutively that made me not reach the goal in time.

Overall, I  had a great afternoon with some strangers while playing the game. We bonded over coffee, snacks, and board games, which made me realize 5 things after playing.

1. Life is full of choices

Every day we are faced with challenges and choices, and every decision we make affects our life. So before making a decision, don't only think twice but think ten times more.

Some problems in our lives are caused by our bad decisions, so I think minimizing our future issues by making the right decisions is always better.

2. Life Happens

Even though we think we made the best decisions in life, there are times that life just happens. Situations that will catch us off guard and make us wonder, I think I did the right thing. Why did this happen? 

I believe regardless of your decision, there will always be consequences. The right mindset whenever making decisions is that you need to stand firm and push yourself forward. 

3. Be Always Ready

Emergencies can always happen, and they always catch us off guard, so being ready by having insurance or savings can really help us in case those instances happen. 

Our relatives and loved ones may not always be there to help us in times of need, so you need to be ready.

4. Seek Advice

Some people may find seeking advice from experts or other people as a sign of weakness or incompetence, but I beg to differ. According to a Harvard Business School publication, research indicates that individuals are perceived as more competent when they seek advice, especially in challenging tasks. This positive view is enhanced when they consult knowledgeable advisors directly and seek input from experts rather than non-experts or refraining from seeking advice entirely.

So seeking advice when things get hard can really help you in the future.

5. Be Open Minded

Seeking advice and having an open mind come hand in hand because there are times wherein the advice we seek may not be the advice we are expecting. Being open minded is the essential gateway to new opportunities, experiences, and connections, both in our personal lives and professional careers.

Open-mindedness is a valuable quality that encompasses ongoing learning, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence, setting it apart from ignorance or lack of awareness. It enables us to develop a balanced and holistic approach to life, touching on physical, emotional, spiritual, and conscious growth.

In today’s world, there is a growing tendency to suppress open-mindedness and impose a single way of thinking. However, it is crucial to revive this principle and foster an environment where freedom and diverse perspectives can thrive.

In life, making the right decision can be more challenging than choosing the wrong one, but most of the time, it has less complications and consequences that can save you from more disastrous events in the future.

I love how complicated the game is. Participating in the game is not only for fun and laughter, but it also makes you realize things that you may have forgotten and how important the right decisions are in your life. 

If someone invited you to a Coffee and Play session near you, I suggest you try it at least once. Just enjoy the afternoon, and I believe you'll have a lot of actualizations afterwards, not only limited to your finances but your life in general.

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